Bloomsday is a holiday for Ulysses fans that was named after Leopold Bloom, the iconic central character in the novel. Around the globe. thousands celebrate Ulysses annually on June 16, known as Bloomsday, the day when the novel takes place. Bloomsday celebrations often include dressing up like characters from the novel and in clothes that would have been the style of the era. The straw boater hat is one of the hallmark fancy dress items.

James Joyce made June 16 the most important date in modern fiction when he chose it as the day when the wanderings of his modern hero take place in and around Dublin. The date was chosen in tribute to Joyce's first date with Nora Barnacle. Celebrations come in many forms including readings, performances and visiting the places and establishments referenced in the book.

At the Martello Tower, Sylvia Beach attended the first Bloomsday Celebration held in Dublin.

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